Ted LeonhardtCreatives, AI will reshape your roleA follow-up to my earlier piece: Creatives, AI will take your jobJul 14Jul 14
Ted LeonhardtAdoption Series: Sleeping outActing out as a fostered and adopted child was my normApr 192Apr 192
Ted LeonhardtFear puts a decision on ice“If I fuck this up, my family will hate me forever,” was the thought. And with it the project stopped cold.Mar 30Mar 30
Ted LeonhardtThe interview: SpreadsheetA client shared this with me, (details changed to protect my client’s privacy). I was struck by the raw emotion of the experience.Feb 28Feb 28
Ted LeonhardtSmoking in SpokaneA client told me this the other day (details changed to protect my client’s privacy). It struck me as classic.Feb 26Feb 26
Ted LeonhardtCreatives, AI will replace youYes, AI will replace designers, writers, illustrators, filmmakers, and all the functional roles we consider professional in the creative…Jan 232Jan 232