Thank you for this piece Iskra. I lived in South Lake Union for a short wile and thought the thoughts that you so beautifly expressed here.
I also came to understand how the work that I spent my career doing contributed to the very distruction that you describe.
It's over, done, gone. That beautiful city that I grew up in on Beacon Hill where the cheapest house is now well over half a million. The side of the hill where I used to play in the woods or raft in the ponds left by the former brick yards is now covered in highway. It's gone. I now think I know how the native Americans felt when we Europeans came and distroyed them and their ten thousand year old paridise. Can we fix this? Can we turn this around? Or will we continue the distruction of people and place that we are so good at?
Where should we creatives put our energy? What is the best way for us to help make the world a better place? Can we fix this?